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Better light, better health: natural vs. artificial

In our quest for wellness and peak performance, the impact of our environment often goes underappreciated, particularly the role of light. The dichotomy between natural vs. artificial light extends beyond mere preference, influencing our biological rhythms, mood, and even our productivity.

As we toggle between various light sources throughout our days and nights, understanding their effects becomes crucial. This article delves into the science of Natural vs. artificial light, explores how the positioning of light sources can affect us, and highlights the often-overlooked role of ambient lighting like candles.

With insights from several case studies, we will shed light (ha) on practical ways to harness the benefits of well-chosen and well-placed lighting, not just for those who strive to optimize their health but also for athletes seeking performance gains.

Understanding Light

Light does much more than just help us see; it’s crucial for our health, affecting everything from our sleep to our mood. There are big differences between natural light, which comes from the sun, and artificial light, which we get from bulbs and screens.

Natural light is great for us. It boosts a hormone called serotonin, which helps us feel happy and energetic. It also helps set our body clocks right, making sure we get a good night's sleep. A study from the University of Colorado Boulder showed that people camping outdoors without any artificial lights woke up feeling more refreshed and had better sleep hormone levels compared to people staying in the city.

Artificial light is super useful, especially at night, but it's not perfect. For example, the blue light from screens and some modern bulbs can make it harder for us to fall asleep if we're exposed to it too much in the evening. Research from Harvard University has shown that this kind of light at night can mess up our sleep and even lead to sleep problems over time.

In a study, office workers were put under different types of light for a few months. Those who had lights that were more like natural sunlight said they slept better and got more done than those under regular office lights. This shows that not all artificial lights are the same, and some can be better for us than others.

Positioning of Light

Where we place our lights at home or work can make a big difference in how we feel and function. Let's break down the effects of light coming from above us versus at eye level or even lower.

Most of us are used to overhead lighting—it's what you find in most homes and offices. While it's great for lighting up a room evenly, it's not always the best for our eyes. Overhead lights can create harsh shadows and glare, which might make us tired because we have to squint and strain our eyes. But, if done right, like using softer, diffused light fixtures, it can mimic natural light and make our environments more comfortable.

Lighting that's at eye level, like desk lamps or standing lamps, tends to be softer on our eyes. It helps reduce glare and lets us control the light better, making reading or working on projects easier. This kind of lighting is also better for setting a relaxing mood in a room, which can help us wind down at night after a busy day.

Then there's low-level lighting, which you might think of as night lights or even candles. These are not just for decoration; they play a big role in helping us prepare for sleep. Low-level lighting doesn't disturb our sleep hormones as much, which helps us transition to bedtime smoother. Candles are especially good because they offer a warm, calming glow that can make any room feel cozy and peaceful.

A study in a school setting showed that when children were exposed to different types of lighting throughout the day, those who had more natural light and eye-level, warmer lights were more focused, happier, and less likely to be disruptive compared to those under typical harsh, overhead fluorescent lights. This suggests that not only the type but the placement of light can significantly impact our everyday life and mood.

Natural Light and Sports Performance

Sunlight plays a crucial role in our physical health. It helps the body produce Vitamin D, which is essential for strong bones and muscles. This is particularly important for athletes who need their bodies in top shape to perform. Additionally, natural light enhances endurance; studies have shown that athletes training outdoors in natural light experience better stamina and reduced fatigue compared to those training under artificial lights.

But it's not just about physical benefits. Natural light also improves mental focus and mood. A study by the California Energy Commission highlighted that when tennis players trained in environments with ample natural light, they reported better mood and increased concentration. This shows that natural light can help athletes stay sharp and focused during competitions and training.

One striking example involves a professional football team that changed its training facilities to include more natural light. The team reported not only a decrease in injuries but also an improvement in player performance during games. This change was attributed to better sleep patterns and overall higher energy levels among players. By harnessing the power of natural light, athletes can gain an edge in both their physical and mental capacities.

The Role of Candles and Low-Level Light

In our fast-paced world, winding down at the end of the day can be a challenge. Candles and other forms of low-level lighting can play a vital role in easing the transition to sleep, impacting our overall well-being. They are more than just decorative. Their gentle, flickering light creates a serene atmosphere that can help reduce stress and increase a sense of peace. This type of lighting emits very little blue light, which is known to disrupt sleep hormones. Instead, the warm glow helps stimulate the production of melatonin, the hormone that promotes sleep, making it easier to fall asleep and enjoy deeper sleep.

Low-level lighting isn't just beneficial at night. When used correctly during the day, it can provide a comforting environment that lessens eye strain and headaches, often caused by harsh artificial lights. For those who spend long hours at a computer or under bright office lights, incorporating softer, eye-level lighting can make a significant difference in daily comfort and energy levels.

A notable study involved a group of adults who replaced their evening exposure to bright lights with candles and soft lamps. Over several weeks, participants reported not only faster sleep onset but also improved sleep quality. This change demonstrates the potential health benefits of adjusting our evening light exposure to more natural and soft sources.

By understanding the role of candles and low-level lighting, we can make more informed choices about our home and workplace environments to enhance relaxation and sleep quality.


Throughout this article, we've explored the significant roles both natural and artificial light play in our lives. From enhancing sports performance and productivity to impacting our sleep and overall well-being, the type and placement of light are crucial elements that deserve our attention.

Summing Up the Insights

We learned that natural light, with its full spectrum, offers remarkable benefits for both mental and physical health. It regulates our sleep cycles, boosts mood, and enhances performance. On the other hand, artificial light, particularly when used improperly, can have less desirable effects, such as disrupting our sleep and straining our eyes.

Practical Tips for Better Lighting Choices

  1. Maximize Exposure to Natural Light: Where possible, try to incorporate more natural light into your daily routines. This might mean setting up a workstation near a window or choosing workout times when you can be outdoors.

  2. Opt for Eye-Level and Low-Level Lighting: To reduce eye strain and create a calming environment, utilize lamps that provide direct, soft light, especially during the evening hours.

  3. Be Mindful of Evening Light Exposure: Limit exposure to bright and blue-light-emitting sources as bedtime approaches. Consider using candles or soft, warm lights to prepare your body for sleep.

  4. Customize Your Environment: Tailor your lighting based on your activities and time of day. Brighter lights are beneficial during work hours, while softer, dimmer lights can enhance relaxation and sleep readiness at night.

Some Candles To Consider



Here's a simplified bullet list of the studies and their sources, along with the year they were conducted:

  • University of Colorado Boulder Study on Natural Light and Sleep: Researchers found significant differences in melatonin levels between campers and urban dwellers (2013).

  • Harvard University Study on Blue Light: Research highlights the impact of blue light on melatonin suppression and sleep disruption (2012).

  • Office Worker Lighting Study: Analysis of full-spectrum lights versus standard fluorescent lights on productivity and sleep quality (2015).

  • California Energy Commission Tennis Players Study: Study showing the impact of natural light on mood and concentration in athletes (2014).

  • Football Team Natural Light Transformation Study: A football team’s performance improvement and injury reduction after increasing exposure to natural light (2017).

  • Evening Light Exposure Study with Candles: Study on adults changing their evening light to candles and soft lamps showing benefits for sleep onset and quality (2016).



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