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Upcoming novel "Dead Day 2190" by Jake Zuurbier

Science fiction, psychological thriller, and existential drama. But also a touching story about finding meaning in fleeting moments of human relationships: "Dead Day 2190". The upcoming novel by Jake Zuurbier promises to deliver a look through time, life, and death, exploring themes of isolation, the human condition, and the boundaries of sanity. Turning into a whole new lane from his previous works, "The Detective" and "Erisseth," Zuurbier delves into an eerie, thought-provoking narrative that challenges the conventional understanding of existence. Planned to release somewhere in 2025.

The Unique Premise of the upcoming novel

At the heart of "Dead Day 2190" lies an extraordinary phenomenon: for six days, every human on Earth is dead, only to reanimate on the seventh day as if nothing happened. To them, it's a seamless transition, with no memory of the intervening days. However, for Nick Danelle Austin, an autopsist living in a small town, this all changes one day. From the one moment to the next, he is the sole individual who remains conscious during these "dead days," having to fight and struggle with the immense solitude and psychological torment that come with living among the lifeless.

Nick's existence is a paradox. He ages mentally six times faster than those around him, a stark contrast to his unchanged physical appearance. The dead days stretch his perception of time, amplifying his isolation and deepening his understanding of life and death. This unique condition becomes both his curse and his lens through which he navigates a world that oscillates between bustling life and eerie stillness.

The Setting and Characters

The story unfolds in a quaint, unassuming town, a microcosm of normalcy. Nick, the protagonist, is an experienced autopsist, accustomed to the routine of examining the dead. His partner, Julian, is a young college student working part-time at the morgue. Their interactions are marked by a subtle camaraderie, with Julian's youthful curiosity often clashing with Nick's reserved demeanor. This dynamic adds a layer of complexity to Nick's solitary journey.

Nick's daily life is meticulously detailed, from his coffee breaks to his end-of-day rituals. He loves these mundane rituals, simple as they may be. His initial encounter with the dead days is marked by confusion and disbelief, especially when he finds his mother lifeless, only to see her alive and well the next day. This cycle of death and resurrection blurs the lines between nightmare and reality, driving Nick to question his sanity.

Themes and Genre

"Dead Day 2190" is a masterful blend of science fiction, psychological thriller, and existential drama. The novel explores several themes:

  1. Isolation and Loneliness: Nick's unique condition isolates him from the rest of humanity, both physically and mentally. His struggle with loneliness is a poignant exploration of the human need for connection.

  2. Perception of Time: The dead days distort Nick's perception of time, creating a fractured reality where days blend into weeks and weeks into months. This theme challenges the reader's understanding of time and existence.

  3. Sanity and Insanity: Nick's experiences on the dead days push him to the brink of madness. His attempts to rationalize the inexplicable and maintain his sanity form a core part of the narrative.

  4. Life and Death: The novel delves into the nature of life and death, questioning what it means to be truly alive. Nick's profession as an autopsist adds a layer of irony to his predicament, as he is constantly surrounded by death even on the living days.

  5. Survival and Adaptation: Nick's mental and emotional resilience is tested as he adapts to a world where he is the sole witness to the dead days. His journey is a testament to human endurance and the will to survive.

The Writing Process

Jake Zuurbier is currently in the midst of writing this book. Known for his attention to detail and ability to create immersive worlds, Zuurbier is building a story that is both deeply unsettling and universally relatable. His previous works, "The Detective" and "Erisseth," have established him as a master of blending genre elements with profound thematic exploration.

Zuurbier's writing process for "Dead Day 2190" involves extensive research into the psychological effects of isolation and the philosophical implications of life and death. He combines this research with his trademark storytelling prowess, creating a narrative that is as thought-provoking as it is gripping. The novel is set for publication next year, promising to captivate readers with its unique premise and compelling characters.

Anticipation and Expectations

As the release date approaches, anticipation for "Dead Day 2190" is building among fans of speculative fiction and psychological thrillers. The novel's intriguing premise, combined with Zuurbier's reputation for his play with perspective and writing immersive and thought-provoking stories, sets the stage for an interesting and appealing read. Readers can expect a story that challenges their perceptions, engages their intellect, and resonates on an emotional level.

In "Dead Day 2190," Jake Zuurbier invites us to step into a world where the boundaries of life and death are blurred. "Dead Day 2190" is more than a novel; it is an exploration of what it means to be alive, to be alone, and to endure in the face of the inexplicable. Jake Zuurbier is poised to deliver yet another fantastic novel, one that will undoubtedly leave a mark on the landscape of contemporary fiction.


The Author

Jake Zuurbier, born in 2002, is a writer with a broad background. With a degree in both Business and Management, his work in writing is combined with a business in books & home decor, sports clothing & gear and multiple forms of other output like music or meditations. He has worked jobs in retail and horeca, ranging from working kitchen in a hotel-restaurant to a floor manager position in a clothing store.

In his free time, he is just as occupied. Photography, weight lifting, kickboxing, cooking and reading are amongst his hobbies.

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