Beating Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): A Practical Guide to Brightening Your Winter
The picture of Dorian Gray
Natural vs Artificial Light: How It Impacts Your Body, Mind, and Performance
Shifting Perspectives: How Does Our View of Authority Figures Change as We Grow Up?
Samuel Singretti: A Wealthy Explorer and Troubled Soul
Nancy Jones: a Young Woman with a Gentle Nature
Thomas Jones: The Found Lost Family Member
The Science of Serenity: Exploring the Benefits of Meditation
Marilyn: A Character Analysis of the Theater Star and Singer
Walter Stonier: The Wealthy and Influential Master of Stonier Mansion
The two faces of Jason Taylor/Jack Donovan
Jessica Allen/Joan Donovan: the One Who Cheated
Overcoming Creative Roadblocks: The Psychology of Mike, a Struggling Writer Turned Detective