The paperback book of Alice In Wonderland. The story follows a young girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantastical world with curious creatures such as the Cheshire Cat, the mad hatter, the March hare, the red queen, absolem the blue catterpillar and, of course, the white rabbit who started it all. Get the copy of the book, filled with colorful illustrations, and relive your youth - or tell the story to your children, nephews and nieces.
Throughout her journey, Alice learns important lessons about growing up, self-discovery, and the power of imagination. "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" has become a timeless classic beloved by readers of all ages, known for its creativity, humor, and whimsical charm.
"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is a whimsical and imaginative tale written by Lewis Carroll, first published in 1865.
Alice In Wonderland
Author Lewis Carroll
Page count 114
Language English
Genre Fantasy / Children's books
Format Paperback
Illustrated Yes
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Good book to have in your collection. My girls really love the book. The pictures are very nice.