In this lyrical retelling of a timeless myth, Edward Carpenter brings new life to the charming tale of Eros, the god of love, and Psyche, a mortal woman of unparalleled beauty. Set in a world where divine beings and humans live alongside each other, this story follows the extraordinary journey of Psyche as she encounters love, betrayal, and the challenges of the human soul.
Carpenter, known for his insights into love and spirituality, perfectly pens down the essence of this ancient myth while enriching it with his unique poetic voice. His take explores the depths of desire and the trials that true love must endure. A deeply moving and universal story that transcends time.
Perfect for lovers of mythology and classic literature, The Story of Eros & Psyche is a beautifully woven tale that speaks to the heart and soul, reminding us of the eternal nature of love and the transformative power it holds.
The story of Eros and Psyche
Author Edward Carpenter
Page count 127
Language English
Genre Fiction, Romance, Myths
Format Paperback
Illustrated No